Up the Stakes: The Power of Compounding Interest

A stack of books on a desk.

We all understand what compounding interest is, but few of us seem to be tapping into that resource. Not with just money and investing, but with our career, writing, art, with the things that matter to us even more.

If you publish one blog post per week, you will have 50 at the end of a year. But those 50 will work for you in all subsequent years as well. They’ll be found on Google, sometimes shared on social media, and they will get you more views. More views might mean more subscribers, fans, and consequently, whether directly or indirectly, a better financial perspective.

Upping the stakes just slightly makes a huge difference. Say you publish one post per month versus one per week. The difference at the end of a year is 40 blog posts. And 200 blog posts over 5 years.

Which blog do you think would bring you more value in the future? The one with 60 articles or the one with 260?

Can you up the stakes? How much value would it bring to you in the next five years if you do?