Hard Rest & Reset

We all need rest and reset, and probably more often than we’d like to admit.
We need a rest from work.
A vacation to recharge our batteries and gather the willpower to tackle new challenges, as our results will be better when we’re focused, well-rested, and motivated.
We need a rest from our family.
Some quiet alone time to gather our thoughts and help us be more present in the precious moments with our loved ones.
We need a rest from nonsense.
Disconnecting every once in a while will remove all the distractions of social media & news and help us focus on the important things.
We need a rest from busyness.
Practicing mindfulness can center our minds and make us realize that most of our thoughts are either wishful thinking or irrational fears.
If possible, take as many breaks as you need. Your boss, family, and your mind will thank you for it.